Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Pineapple Health Benefits for You May Not Know

Party In My Coffin - Pineapple fruit has a sweet-sour taste refreshing. But can be enjoyed in the form of fresh, tropical fruit is also often a mixture of cuisine. In addition to good taste, pineapple fruit also has a myriad of health benefits. Pineapple fruit is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals and in addition the price is also relatively affordable. It's some of the benefits of pineapple for the health you need to know, as quoted by the Times of India.

1. Rich in Vitamin C
One cup of pineapple slices contain vitamin C which was able to meet up to 131 percent of the vitamin's endurance enhancer. Sufficient intake of vitamin C can help the body fight the virus and improve the skin's ability to prevent infection while injured. Pineapple can be consumed by cut pieces or made juice without added sugar and milk to maintain the nutritional content.

2. Strong Bones

One cup, or about 165 grams of pineapple can meet the daily needs of manganese, up to 76 percent. Manganese is a type of mineral that is essential for maintaining bone strength and bone surrounding healthy tissue.

3. Improve Digestive Health
Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that is able to maintain a healthy digestive system, controlling coughs and helps relieve nasal congestion when the flu or a cold. In order to maximize benefits for digestion, it is advisable memamakn pineapple in between mealtimes as a snack. Could between breakfast and lunch or afternoon ntara lunch and dinner.

Bromelain also effectively relieve inflammation due to infection or injury. Enzymes in the pineapple helps reduce swelling, bruising, pain also accelerate improvement, postoperative and injury.

4. Maintain Weight
Pineapple contains natural sugar, but it is also rich in fiber which makes the stomach feel full longer. Therefore pineapple is the right choice for those who want to snack foods sweet but worry about weight gain. Pineapple contains 87 percent water and fewer calories than the snacks in packaging such as cookies, crackers or cakes.

5. Good for Eyes
This tropical fruit is also beneficial to maintaining healthy eyes. Pineapple and carrot eating three to four servings per day could reduce the risk of nearsightedness or vision loss in adults up to 36 percent.

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